Friday, May 23, 2008

Ο ναός του Αγίου Νικολάου στο Μελένικο...

"Saint Nicola"church, Melnik

Ο ναός του Αγίου Νικολάου είναι ο παλαιότερος και μεγαλύτερος ναός του Мелник (Μέλνικ - Μελένικο), αν και σήμερα δεν σώζεται ολόκληρος... Ήταν τρίκλιτη Βασιλική με τρεις, επίσης, αψίδες και τοιχογραφίες που ανάγονται στον 13ο αιώνα. Είναι χτισμένος πάνω σε αρχαίο Θρακικό ιερό. Η εκκλησία ήταν Επισκοπική μέχρι τις αρχές του 13ου αιώνα και Μητροπολιτική από τον 13ο έως και τον 18ο αιώνα...

"Saint Nicola"church, Melnik

Οι τοιχοποιία... / Detail from the wall...

"Saint Nicola"church, Melnik

"Saint Nicola"church, Melnik

"Saint Nicola"church, Melnik

Το Ιερό... / The Altar...

"Saint Nicola"church, Melnik

"Saint Nicola"church, Melnik

Τοιχογραφίες... / Frescos...

"Saint Nicola"church, Melnik

Θέα από το Ιερό... / View from the Altar...

"Saint Nicola"church, Melnik

Σύνδεσμος σε χάρτη / Link to Map: 41° 31' 14''N, 23° 23' 33''E

[ENG] "Saint Nicola" church is the oldest and the biggest church in Melnik, Bulgaria. It was Episcopal until the beginning of the 13th century, Metropolitan from the 13th until the middle of the 18th century. Pursuant to the design it is three-transept, three-apse basilica, with an almost square nave and differentiated pre-apse space, over arched with a longitudinal semi-cylindrical brick vault, with the middle transept, raising up above the side ones. The nave is divided into three transepts with two rows, each of two columns, and separation altar walls, connected into a solemn arch of triumph, doubling the alter apse. In the curve of the central apse conch, there is an imposing four-step sitting place for the clergy, with the five-step metropolitan throne in the middle, with handrails on both sides. The church has a narthex, side galleries with water storage facility (to the North) and bell tower (to the South), residential building (to the West) - all integrated into a common architectural ensemble. It has had magnificent wall-paintings, dating back to the beginning of the 13th century. It is a monument of culture of national significance. [Info from the sign outside the monument]
[BUL] Църква Свети Никола, Мелник.

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