Monday, December 29, 2008

Από σήμερα δεν είμαι ένας Έλληνας Μπλόγκερ...

Από σήμερα είμαι ο Κλέαρχος Καπούτσης, Παλαιστίνιος από την Λωρίδα της Γάζας (Δείτε το προφίλ μου)... Είμαστε όλοι Παλαιστίνιοι...

Images by Carlos Latuff

[ENG] As from today, I am not anymore a Greek Blogger... I am Klearchos Kapoutsis, Palestinian from Gaza Strip (look at my profile)... We are all Palestinians...

Digg my article


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  1. Why does everyone keeps attacking Israel's actions and FORGET THE NON-STOPPING BOMBING from Hamaz towards Israeli civilians - what Israel is doing is SIMPLY PROTECTING her land! BRAVO! Keep up - you have been too patient towards your enemies!

    Happy Hanukka, too!

  2. What Shitrael is doing is to steal land from the Palestinians and settle down there as uninvited guests.That`s where the problem starts from.Everything else since 1948 is just retaliation from both sides.But the right is on the Palestinians and the while (normal) world is with them!

  3. To Anonymous #1

    Would you shoot and kill the child that throws stones to your house and breaks your windows? Would it be this the solution? Nobody said that Hamas is innocent, but who gave them power? Israel's intransigence and excessive use of power... I was raised being pro-Israel... I was thinking that Palestinians were the terrorist... Not any more... Now I see a nation in despair... Israel's intransigence and excessive use of power made me also change my view...

    And do not forget... One man's terrorist is other mans hero... Kristo Botev was a terrorist too... Was the April's uprising successful? Only because it mobilized the international community... Why it managed to do that? Because the Ottoman Empire used excessive force... Israel has to understand: What it has to fear most is its own power... War and war crimes are not the solution... It has to sit HONESTLY on the negotiation table..

    I do not have anything with other's people religions... Happy Hanuka!

  4. Good that you find this way to show your position, this is one of the main world problems so many years...Yes, if more people are united for finding a solution it would have been solved until now. Unfortunately the people are not united yet and cannot use their power for changes.
