Saturday, January 03, 2009

The truth behind the latest Gaza conflict...

Question 1: Who broke the cease-fire?

"Six months ago Israel asked and received a cease-fire from Hamas. It unilaterally violated it when it blew up a tunnel, while still asking Egypt to get the Islamic group to hold its fire".
[Israel Newspaper Haaretz - "Delusions of victory in Gaza" 28.12.2008]

Question 2: Why Israel broke the cease-fire?

The Israeli broke the cease fire in the night of 04.11.2008 to destroy a tunnel near the town of Deir al-Balah. This town is in the middle of Gaza Strip, near the borders with Israel and not with Egypt and that means that it had nothing to do with smuggling of guns...

Instead, "The Israeli military said the target of the raid was a tunnel that they said Hamas was planning to use to capture Israeli soldiers positioned on the border fence 250m away."
[Guardian "Gaza truce broken as Israeli raid kills six Hamas gunmen" 05.11.2008 ]

Question 3: Was the tunnel the real reason behind Israel's broke of cease-fire?

Obviously not... The tunnel "was not a clear and present danger: Its existence was always known and its use could have been prevented on the Israeli side..."
[Jews sans frontiers "It says in the Jewish Chronicle that Israel broke the truce, so there!!" 28.11.2008]

The real reason was that
"The attack comes shortly before a key meeting this Sunday [09.11.2008] in Cairo when Hamas and its political rival Fatah will hold talks on reconciling their differences and creating a single, unified government. It will be the first time the two sides have met at this level since fighting a near civil war more than a year ago".
[Guardian "Gaza truce broken as Israeli raid kills six Hamas gunmen" 05.11.2008 ]

The same time the American sponsored Fatah start to arrest a big number of Hamas members in the West Bank. As a result the meeting in Cairo was finally postponed...
[Al Jazeera "Hamas-Fatah talks postponed" 09.11.2008]

Of course, Fatah, Israel and USA never really wanted the peace talks between the two groups, but Palestinian president was pressed by Palestinian people who had started rallying urging peace talks... Palestinian president had then to show an effort but in the same time both him and Israel did whatever they could to make sure that Hamas won't reach the negotiation table...

Question 4: What is the real reason behind December Israel's air strikes?

The real reason is that the polls in November 2008 showed that the government parties had no chance to win the elections...

Today, "The popularity of Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak's Labour Party has shot up on the back of Israel's deadly blitz on Hamas in Gaza, according to an opinion poll published. The centre-left party would get 16 seats in the Knesset if an election were held today - compared with as low as seven seats that some surveys gave it in November, said the poll."
[ABC news "Israel's Labour rebounds in polls after Gaza blitz" 02.01.2009]

"Olmert, too, has gotten a popularity boost, with a 33 percent popularity rating this week compared to an average of 14 percent since the Second Lebanon War, about two and a half years ago."
[Israel Newspaper Haaretz "Labor, Barak enjoy popularity surge thanks to Gaza operation" 02.01.2009]

Remember: If you want peace, work for justice!...

Interesting Links:
BBC "Propaganda war: trusting what we see?" 03.01.2009
YouTube "CNN Finally Confirms Israel Broke Ceasefire First" 05.01.2009
The Times "We must adjust our distorted image of Hamas" 31.12.2008
YouTube "US Republican Congressman Ron Paul about Gaza invasion" 03.01.2009
Flickr Photos from Gaza Holocaust.
YouTube "Israel dropping White Phosphorus in Gaza?" 03.01.2009

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  1. I disagree with the answers of question 4 "What is the real reason behind December Israel's air strikes?"

    My opinion is (because I am not in a position to know the truth) that the plan for the air strikes and the invasion in Gaza had been scheduled long time ago.
    Hamas was left to govern Gaza the last few years, so that the Israelis could be in position to learn enough about its persons and the locations and other secrets which they wouldn't be in a position to know if Hamas was not in government. The timing was decided to be during Christmas so the West World not to be in a position to act fast against the attack.

    The story from now on is already familiar... fatah will be again in power, Hamas will be out for a few years and the fight for a free Palestine will continue for many many years ago, so that the rest of the Arab countries to be afraid of their Jewish cousins and keep buying weapons and have their populations under the directions and the laws of royal families or other dictators....

    The only problem is that the real victims of this situation are the children of Palestine.


    "Israel's war in Gaza , 450 killed and 2200 injured ... What's next ?"


  3. Philos, I will keep my position because the winning of Hamas both in the election and in the short palestinian civil war it was far from being expected by both the Americans or the Israelis... The reason for this happening now and not after some days, i.e. some days before the Israel elections is because they want to do whatever they can before Barack Obama takes the presidency since they do not know yet his reactions....

  4. My e-mail to Czech European Presidency:

    ""At the moment, from the perspective of the last days, we understand this step as a defensive, not offensive, action" Czech EU presidency spokesman Jiri Potuznik said.

    Congratulation for this no respect of your own history... From today, for me, the Soviet invasion in Czechoslovakia in August 1968 was a defensive, not offensive, action!!

    Once again I must congratulate you!!

    Klearchos Kapoutsis
    Mechanical Engineer
